Odds Are You’ll Be Fired Before Retirement, So Build “Career Security”
For those over 50 and gainfully employed, this study says you have a 56% chance that you’ll be let go before you’re ready to retire, risking substantial income loss. The study supports my own observations via client work that there is no real job security, only “career security.” In a sense employees are really all consultants.
But not to worry! Here’s a list of things you can do to both minimize the risk of an unwanted departure and set yourself up for a quick, positive transition if necessary.More
Feeling Stuck in Your Career? 10 Questions to Help You Move Forward
by Robert Hellmann • Career Change, Job-Search Strategy, Life, Work
So you’re feeling stuck in your job or career; you’re unhappy and unsure what to do about it. To get unstuck, take the first crucial step and conduct a thoughtful self-assessment. Accurately diagnose the cause and identify the cure by reflecting on three areas: your life experiences, your current situation and your vision for the future. Answering the following 10 questions can help you to gain this insight.More