Whether you’re delivering a thirty-second pitch or a two-hour seminar, or are presenting to one person or a thousand, our workshops have got you covered. The training described in the links below is derived from Robert Hellmann’s book “PEAK Presentations,” and his RESULTS™ Method for achieving presentation success.
One Day
Two Day
Short Seminar
1/2 Day Pitch Intensive
Individual Training and Coaching
A word about WHY these workshops were developed. The impetus initially came from requests by individual clients and organizations for this training; usually these requests came from prior audience-members. An additional driver, however, was dissatisfaction with the quality of presentation skills training out there. Too much of the training I’ve observed and experienced focuses on the mechanics as the key to a great presentation. By “mechanics,” I mean things like where you stand on the stage, lighting, posture, vocal quality, and so forth. These aspects of presenting routinely comprise the bulk of training. While important, the mechanics will only get you so far; the keys to going beyond “o.k.” and achieving actual presentation greatness lie elsewhere.
Our training addresses this gap; participants get feedback on mechanical issues, and then learn how to go way beyond, to develop and deliver presentations that are truly powerful, memorable, and effective. The content reflects field-tested experience (as shown in consistent, top survey scores and testimonials), my study of great (and not-so great) presenters, and the latest research.