HCC works with you or your organization to optimize performance, whether via traditional executive coaching or consulting. Coaching and consulting scenarios include:

  • Executives and strong performers looking to optimize their efforts
  • New Managers seeking to transition successfully to their new responsibilities
  • Leadership development – how to lead from any level
  • Individuals needing help with specific challenges, such as:
    • A work issue with a direct report, colleague, boss or external stakeholder
    • A direct report’s underperformance
    • An upcoming project, presentation, proposal or negotiation
    • Optimizing effectiveness in the first 100 days of a new role
    • Turning around a perception of poor performance

HCC’s coaching solutions are highly customizable; request a specific number of coaching hours (starting with just one) or a coaching or consulting engagement extending 3, 6, 9 or 12+ months.

  • Phase 1: Assessment – exercises (such as DiSC), a 360 review and additional discussion to identify development opportunities
  • Phase 2: Create Strategic Success Plan – incorporate development, goal-setting, leadership; manager signs off
  • Phase 3: Implement Plan – coaching to close gaps and achieve plan goals
  • Phase 4: Final report issued by coach to client and their manager, sharing progress and next steps



Contact rob@hellmannconsulting.com for more information.