Samples, Tools and Templates

The tools underlined in light blue are offered free to all visitors. Remaining content is restricted to paid members and clients of Hellmann Career Consulting. Please consider becoming one! Go to to become a member, or contact us.

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Resume Examples

Cover Letter Examples

LinkedIn Checklist
Getting set up properly

Cold-contact Emails
to get informational meetings

Emails to Get Interviews
When you know there’s an opening

Networking Email

Keep-in-touch Emails
“Checking In” and “Update” examples

Deciding between many career options
Template to score many job targets
against decision-making criteria

Deciding between 2-3 Career Options
Template that uses advanced weighting to score few job targets against decision-making criteria

10 Career Decisionmaking
Self Assessment Questions
Develop your decision-making criteria

Marketing Plan Template
Set up your job search campaign

Marketing Plan to Give to Others
Share in informational meetings

Stakeholder Map Template
Optimize your work relationships

Post-interview Followup Emails
Write to influence,
turn a “no” into a “yes”

Advanced LinkedIn 3D cover optimized for website2
Cover - Peak Presentations v2 3D optimized for web