Recruiting and Hiring Workshops
A single hiring mistake can cost your firm upwards of $50,000 and have more than double the bottom line impact of hiring an all-star. Add to that the human cost in pain and suffering (for the hiring manager, the unfit employee, and often the key stakeholders) and you have a situation that you really want to avoid!
We at Hellmann Career Consulting make our vast interviewing and hiring experience available to you, so you can avoid the mistakes and recruit the best! Inquire about our:
- 2 hour interactive seminars
- ½ day workshops
- Full day workshops
We provide recruiting and hiring support customized to your needs, including:
- Facilitating the crucial upfront strategic work around deciding what you want in the new hire
- Crafting a “Results-based” job posting that motivates the best to apply, and screens out the unqualified
- Enhancing your sourcing approach to ensure you are fishing in abundant waters
- Developing and practicing candidate interview techniques that will screen out mistakes and sell top candidates
- Creating a custom evaluation scorecard and interview strategy, to ensure the “right” candidate gets the offer
Check out our free webinar to learn an approach to hiring that will add immediate value to your efforts. And of course, feel free to contact us for more information.