Seminars and Events

Robert Hellmann delivers “powerful…engaging…useful” seminars, workshops and keynotes (quotes from testimonials). For a list of frequently requested Seminars and Workshops, click here. Email for more information.

Rob has spoken to hundreds of audiences at diverse organizations. Examples include:
  • Columbia University job search course based on HCC’s “Six Steps to Success” methodology
  • CFA Institute Webinar to a global audience – Planning and Organizing Your Job Search Campaign
  • CFA Institute Annual Conference, Philadelphia – 10 Ways to Take Control of Your Job Search
  • Marsh and McLennan Webinar – Build Your Network and Brand to Advance Your Career
  • Association for Talent Development, NYC Chapter Event – Perfecting Your Pitch and Building Your Network (presentation and workshop)
  • Atlantic Philanthropies, NYC – Advanced LinkedIn, for Your Job Search, Business or Career
  • New York University – Effective Salary Negotiation; Make Thousands In Minutes!
  • New York University – Six Keys to On-the-job Success
  • Harvard Business School, NYC – Advanced LinkedIn: Jump-start Your Job Search
  • Executive Forum, NYC – Become the Perfect Candidate
  • Linkedln, Toronto – Mastering LinkedIn Recruiter
  • Unilever, Toronto – Intermediate Presentation Skills training

Excerpts from Speaking Engagements

Clips from Live Speaking Engagements

Clip from Virtual Engagement:CFA Institute Conference

10 Ways to Jump-start Your Career