LinkedIn for Your Organization: Build Brand Visibility, Attract the “Right” Prospects

Free Webinar: Wednesday June 13, 2018, 12:30-1:30pm EST

Attention Business owners, employees, consultants and non-profits: if your target audience is on LinkedIn, you need to be optimizing your presence on this platform. Using just the free features alone, LinkedIn makes it easy to jump-start business development, recruiting, partnerships and competitor research. In this one hour webinar, you will learn a specific strategy and techniques you can use immediately to build your brand visibility and get results. We’ll cover:

  • The three things you must have on your LinkedIn profile to be “found” and then contacted
  • How your company page differs from your profile, and why you need one
  • Methods for easily keeping in touch with clients and prospects
  • How to create a presence that gets interest from business and recruiting prospects
  • How to find the right prospects (those that are most likely to respond) and then message key decision-makers
  • An integrated, organization- or department-wide strategy for using LinkedIn to build your brand and stand out from competitors

Note: This webinar will be recorded. All registrants will receive access to the recording.

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